Land Workers Alliance
Campaign group for a better food system
The Slow Food Movement
Slow food, yeh
The Land Magazine
an important magazine about land rights
WWOOF UK (Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms)
A wonderful charity enabling volunteers to experience life on organic farms and smallholdings
One Planet Council
Innovative voluntary body supporting sustainable living in Wales and beyond
Centre for Alternative Technology
CAT is an education and visitor centre demonstrating practical solutions for sustainability
Agroforestry Research Trust
For information about trees, shrubs and perennial crops and Forest Garden techniques
Real Seeds
Heirloom and heritage vegetable seed for the home gardener -none of your F1, GM or agribusiness seed, just great varieties for the gardener.
Resurgence and Ecologist Magazine
Positive, informed and original perspectives on environmental issues, activism, social justice, arts and ethical living
Woodland Treasures
Beautiful wooden jewellery made by our friend Geoff King
Little Toller Books
A great small publisher now publishing 'The Fat of the Land'
David Wilson Photography
Fine art landscape photographs of Pembrokeshire
The Land is Ours
A sensible, practical land rights campaign
The Real Bread Campaign
Proper bread for all
Common Ground
A really interesting environmental charity
Bluestone Brewing Company
Our friends and neighbours at Tyriet Farm brew some wonderful beer and have a taproom.
They have the most wonderful view of Carningli and there is often live music there too.
Shut Up and Listen by John Papworth
The outspoken sage and good friend to John Seymour
The Breakdown of Nations by Leopold Kohr
A seminal work by John Seymour's philosopher friend
E.F. Schumacher
Just read 'Small is Beautiful'
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
An important book published the year after 'The Fat of the Land', Just as relevant today.
Some things we like in no particular order...